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NOTCH Promise

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  • Leitfaden zur Größenbestimmung

    NOTCH® Die Armbandgrößen basieren auf dem Umfang des Handgelenks, nicht auf dem Innenumfang des Armbands. Alle Maße sind in Zentimetern angegeben.

    % buffered00:00

    Wrist Size (mm) Closed Bracelet Size (mm) Recommended 
    Typically Suits
    (Guide only)
    130-145 166 Extra Small Younger children ten years and under
    145-160 181 Small Teenage children and adults with slimmer wrists
    160-175 196 Medium Adults and young males
    175-190 211 Large Adults with larger wrists
    190-205 226 Extra Large Adults with larger wrists


    If your wrist size is smaller or larger than the sizes above, select any of the sizes and add a note on the shopping cart page requesting a 'made-to-measure' bracelet. Include your accurate wrist measurement using the method explained above, and we will custom make a bracelet, to your bespoke requirements.